Our relationship with the environment can never be isolated from our relationship with others and with God.
(Laudato Si’ #119)
Everything is Connected – the theme of the worldwide celebration of Laudato Si’ Week (May 16 – 24, 2020) – 5 years since Pope Francis’ encyclical letter letter, Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home.
During these historic times we see first hand how our actions can affect many people and systems around us.
We invite you to reflect, pray, and put into faith into action by rolling The Earth Cube every day during Laudato Si’ Week!
For more about The Earth Cube, view this 1 hour Laudato Si’ Week / Earth Cube Webinar.
1. ROLL The Earth Cube
Visit The Earth Cube website to roll the cube online!
2. LIVE the phrase that you roll
Find a simple way to put the phrase into practice. (You can find ideas on The Earth Cube website or check out our resource section).
3. SHARE your experience / what you did

How did you live the side you rolled?
Share via social media (#LaudatoSi5, #TheEarthCube), a sign in your window or simple yard sign with sticks!
Create your own drawing, artwork, graphic, with one of the phrases of The Earth Cube. Share with #TheEarthCube or via this form for a chance to win a package of Earth Cubes for sharing.
Social Media Images
Looking for more Laudato Si’ Week activities? Here are some from our friends!