Toolkit | Laudato Si’ Action Platform | Summer Outdoor Challenge | Prayer and Liturgy
May 22 – 29, 2022
Laudato Si’ Week 2022 will mark the seventh anniversary of Pope Francis’ landmark encyclical on creation care. This global celebration will unite Catholics to listen and respond together to the cry of creation, rejoice in the progress we have made in bringing Laudato Si’ to life, and intensify our efforts through the dynamic Laudato Si’ Action Platform, walking the “Synodal” path.
The 2022 worldwide theme is “Listening and Journeying Together.”
Choose some actions this week to pray and act with Catholics worldwide to protect our common home!
Use ideas from our 2021 Season of Creation toolkit to pray, learn, and take action. Includes sections for parishes, individuals and families, schools, and youth ministry.
Laudato Si’ Action Platform

The Laudato Si’ Action Platform (LSAP) is an initiative to engage all sectors of the global Catholic Church in a 7-year journey to global sustainability and spiritual conversion. It is framework designed to inspire and equip Catholics and Catholic institutions to implement the teachings of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’ with guidance, resources, and community.
How do we get started?
Download this one-page summary for you to use as your parish discerns joining the initiative.
Join as an individual or family today or view our LSAP summary page for videos and FAQ.
Watch: Be inspired by the work of Catholics in Indianapolis!
Summer Outdoor Challenge
Details coming soon! Discover something new about God, yourself, and all creation as you explore the outdoors this summer.
Start now by planning your visit to one of ArchIndy’s Outdoor Sacred Spaces and share your adventures on social media by tagging: #LaudatoSiSummerChallenge2022 #IndySacredSpaces
Prayer and Liturgy Resources
- Laudato Si’ Movement Prayer Book
- Holy Hour Prayer for Care of Creation
- Novena to St. Francis (CAFOD)
- Laudato Si’ Chaplet (GCCM)
- Earth Day / Laudato Si’ Week 1hour Program
- Resources for Liturgy Preaching and Taking Action on Ecology (USCCB)
- Homily Helps (Catholic Climate Covenant)